What is the duration of the shipment ?
The shipment duration varies depending on the product you have ordered for. If you have ordered for a domestic product, it will be shipped within 2-3 working days and will be delivered within 5-7 working days from the day of dispatch.
How many days customer will receive refund in bank account ?
Once the item has been received at our store and has passed a quality check, the refund will be initiated. The refund will be done through the customer’s bank account in which case he/she should select the account to which refund should be made. In case of COD orders being returned, the same should be done by providing details of one’s bank account. Refund will be credit automatically be applied to credit card or original method of payment, within 7 working days.
Cancellation duration: how many days a customer can cancel an order ?
Cancellation duration is 10 days, a customer can cancel an order within 10 days
Delivery duration: in how many days the product will be delivered ?
The Delivery duration varies depending on the product you have ordered for. If you have ordered for a domestic product, it will be shipped within 2-3 working days and will be delivered within 5-7 working days from the day of dispatch.